Sunday, September 07, 2008

The Bald Frog with the Wig

So, while setting up this blogger account I was updating my profile. At the bottom of the profile update window there was a random question and it was ,"Tell the kids about the bald frog and the wig" or something close to that. So I started writing a little story which turned out to be too long to post on my profile.... so.. here it is here:

The Bald Frog with the Wig

Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl that loved to go on walks in the mountains. This girl had the most beautiful wavy brown hair, in fact it was the most beautiful hair in all the land. Many people would stop her along her walks and ask, "Who does your hair?" The girl would always reply, "Well I cut it, the sun colors it and the wind blows it dry!" Well as I was saying.... this girl LOVED to go for walks in the hills behind her castle where sometimes she would stop at the occasional mud puddle and squish her hands in the mud.

One day when sun was shining oh so bright bright and the sky was oh so blue, she noticed the tiniest little bright green frog in a puddle so she stopped to say hello.
She noticed that the frog appeared to be crying so she asked, "What's the matter frog, why are you crying?" He looked up at her with a tear in his eye and said, "I see you almost everyday and you stop at my puddle and play in my mud and I think you are the most beautiful girl in all the land!"

"Well thank you" the girl said.

The frog continued, "You know i think maybe if I had hair on my head I could be beautiful like you and find a lovely lady frog and we could live happily ever after in our little puddle playing in the mud! If only I had some hair like yours!"

Without a hesitation the girl cut a lock of her hair and fashioned it into a wig for the little frog and said, "I think you're beautiful just the way you are and being a bald frog is sexy, but just incase you feel like you need it, here's your very own wig fashioned by a lock of my hair!"

The frog leaped with happiness, and his heart leaped with love. For what he had found was not just a wig, but someone that believed in the beauty inside of his heart and maybe a friend for life.

The girl walked on feeling feeling the same, as if she had made a friend for life.
Days, Weeks, Months and Years went by and life went on.

The girl continued to go on walks and visit her new frog friend, who had found a lovely girl frog and started a beautiful frog family. He rarely wore his wig. Usually he'd slip it on just for fun or when playing dress up with the kids.
He always told them the story of the beautiful girl and the bald frog with the wig.

see... it's a true story!

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Blogger Sandy said...

awwww, i love the story.

6:26 PM  

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